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Social Skills

Our practitioners break down specific complex social skills (such as: taking turns, conversation, sharing, joining a group, working with others towards a common goal, understanding facial expressions, tone of voice, etc.) into smaller components and then teach those components systematically.

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Behavior Focused

We aim to reduce behaviors that interfere with the child's learning or the learning of others. Behaviors that result in self-injury or injury to others, cause damage to the physical environment, and behaviors that socially isolate the individual or diminish independence.

Individualized Plans

An individualized plan is not only an ethical requirement but also clinically relevant because each child has their own strengths, skill deficits, unique environments in which they spend time, learning histories, and distinctive biology. 

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Skill Acquisition

A skill acquisition plan defines the goals you and your child will be working towards. These goals include a description of the target skill being taught, materials needed for teaching, strategies to be used, the consequences for correct or incorrect responding, mastery criteria, reinforcement strategies, and a plan for generalization and maintenance.

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