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Luminary Academy 

Design Book




🌟 We’ll be offering classes for kindergarten (Florida requires kids to be 5 years old) all the way up to 3rd grade! 📚✨

But there’s more! Our wonderful Luminescence Therapy and Leap into Language Therapy teams will continue to provide therapeutic support for kiddos throughout the day! 🌈💖🐸⏰ 

School hours will be from 7 AM to 12 PM, (With therapeutic support ) and outside of these hours, our focus will shift to solely therapy services for those who need them. 

🌟For those kiddos who are currently receiving therapy services only and wish to continue with therapy without enrolling in Luminary Academy, no worries! They will stay on their regular therapy schedule, though they will not receive support from Luminary Academy instructors until they enroll with the school. 

💬Our school year will run from December to June, and we’ll update you in June with any exciting changes that may benefit our collaboration! 

🌟We can’t wait to begin this journey with you and see your children thrive! 🦋If you would like to start enrollment , send us an update in your child’s support team ✨

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